Hi ✌️, am Mukund Kapoor. Content writer, avid reader, and…(okay so here’s a bit about me!)

Over the last 5 years, I’ve been on quite a content creation journey. Here’s the scoop:

  • I’ve grown social media accounts to over 10K followers (yeah, I’m still a bit amazed by that)
  • Sold a couple of content businesses (turns out people actually wanted to buy my stuff!)
  • Managed to rank multiple sites at the top of search engines (take that, algorithm!)

These days, I’m rocking it as a technical writer at Awesome Motive.

So that’s me – just a guy who loves playing with words and somehow turned it into a pretty cool career.

But there’s more so let’s check that out too.

Mukund Kapoor

β€œWisdom cannot be imparted. Wisdom that a wise man attempts to impart always sounds like foolishness to someone else … Knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom. One can find it, live it, do wonders through it, but one cannot communicate and teach it.”

Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse

A book that I live by (highly recommended)

Here’s my story, straight and simple πŸ‘‰

I create content that connects, inspires, and helps people grow online.

Started at 17 with my first blog amyoung.org. It was about mental health. I failed because I knew nothing about SEO. So I learned. Watched tons of YouTube videos and read blogs. Started a new blog on Hinduism and motivation. After 6 months, I was making $10 a day. Not much, but I learned a lot.

This SEO stuff got me interested in journalism, so I got a degree in it. Always wanted to be the best at what I do. I took on some freelance projects to make money.

It went wellβ€”I earned enough to handle my own expenses. As a middle-class kid, I wanted to be independent like my hard-working dad.

In 2023, I started GreatAIPrompts. It blew up – over 100K pageviews and $2K+ monthly. It got bought, so I used that money to start The AI Block, a newsletter about AI news. That got acquired too.
Did all this while juggling a job and freelance gigs. I’ve just begun, and there’s a long way to go. Grateful for everything, and excited for what’s next.